Working with React Native (TTSREACT5) Course Details:

Getting Started with React Native is a hands-on, intermediate level web development course geared for experienced web developers who need to build and design applications using React Native. Students will explore the core APIs and Components, applying these skills to the course case study project to create a React Native app in class. This is an intermediate-level course for web developers with prior practical experience working with React.

    Sep 23 2024

    Date: 09/23/2024 - 09/25/2024 (Monday - Wednesday) | 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM (EST)
    Location: ONLINE (Virtual Classroom Live)
    Delivery Format: VIRTUAL CLASSROOM LIVE Request Quote & Enroll

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    Working with React Native (TTSREACT5)

    September 23 - 25, 2024 | 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM (EST) | Virtual Classroom Live

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    Nov 18 2024

    Date: 11/18/2024 - 11/20/2024 (Monday - Wednesday) | 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM (EST)
    Location: ONLINE (Virtual Classroom Live)
    Delivery Format: VIRTUAL CLASSROOM LIVE Request Quote & Enroll

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    Working with React Native (TTSREACT5)

    November 18 - 20, 2024 | 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM (EST) | Virtual Classroom Live

    How Did You Hear of Global IT Training?

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1.Getting Started with ReactJS

  • Introducing ReactJS
  • Downloading ReactJS
  • Tools
  • Trying ReactJS


2: Exploring JSX and the ReactJS Anatomy

  • What is JSX?
  • Why JSX?
  • The ReactJS anatomy


3: Working with Properties

  • Component properties
  • Configuring Facebook Open-Graph API
  • Rendering data in a ReactJS component


4: Stateful Components and Events

  • Properties versus states in ReactJS
  • Exploring the state property
  • Events


5. Component Life cycle and Newer ECMAScript in React

  • React component lifecycle
  • Other ES (ECMAScript) versions in React


6: Reacting with Flux

  • An overview of Flux
  • Flux versus the MVC architecture
  • Actions
  • Dispatchers
  • Stores
  • Controller-Views and Views
  • Revisiting the code


7: Making Your Component Reusable

  • Understanding Mixins
  • Validations
  • The structure of component
  • Summary


8: Testing React Components

  • Testing in JavaScript using Chai and Mocha
  • Testing using ReactTestUtils
  • The jestTypical example of a Testsuite with Mocha, expect, ReactTestUtils and Babel
  • Testing with shallow rendering


9: Preparing Your Code for Deployment

  • An introduction to Webpack
  • Advantages of Webpack
  • Introduction to Gulp


10: What's NextGetting Started with React Native

  • Weather App
  • Starting the project
  • Expo 
  • Components 
  • Custom components


React Fundamentals

Breaking the app into components

7 step process 

Step 1: Review

Step 2: Build a static version of the app

Step 3: Determine what should be stateful

Step 4: Determine in which component each piece of state should live

Step 5: Hardcode initial states

Step 6: Add inverse data flow

  • Updating timers 
  • Deleting timers
  • Adding timing functionality 
  • Add start and stop functionality
  • Methodology review


Core Components, Part 1

  • What are components?
  • Building an Instagram clone
  • View 
  • StyleSheet 
  • Text 
  • TouchableOpacity 
  • Image 
  • ActivityIndicator 
  • FlatList 


Core Components, Part 2

  • TextInput 
  • ScrollView
  • Modal


Core APIs, Part 1

  • Building a messaging app
  • Initializing the project
  • The app
  • Network connectivity indicator 
  • The message list
  • Toolbar
  • Geolocation 
  • Input Method Editor (IME)


Core APIs, Part 2

  • The keyboard


React Router

  • Server-side rendering
  • Isomorphic applications
  • Hot reloading
  • Redux React
  • Relay and GraphQL
  • React Native
  • References

*Please Note: Course Outline is subject to change without notice. Exact course outline will be provided at time of registration.

Working in a hands-on learning environment led by our expert React technical team member, attendees will learn about and explore:

  • Getting Started with React Native
  • React Fundamentals: 7 steps of app development
  • Building a React Native App / Case Study
  • Core Components
  • Core APIs


If your team requires different topics or tools, additional skills or custom approach, this course may be easily adjusted to accommodate.  We offer additional related React, Redux, Angular, web development, scripting, programming and design courses which may be blended with this course for a track that best suits your objectives.

This “skills-centric” course is about 50% hands-on lab and 50% lecture, designed to train attendees in core modern web development skills, coupling the most effective techniques with the soundest industry practices. Throughout the course students will be led through a series of progressively advanced topics, where each topic consists of lecture, group discussion, comprehensive hands-on lab exercises, and lab review. Our courses include a wide range of supporting materials and labs to ensure all students are appropriately challenged or assisted at all times.

Incoming students should have skills equivalent to the topics in, or should have recently attended, this course as a prerequisite:

  • TTSREACT3 Mastering React: React, Redux, JSX, Flux, Forms, Unit Testing & More

This intermediate and beyond level course is targeted for experienced web developers with current, solid hands-on experience with React.

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