Microsoft Cloud Workshop - Big Data and Visualization (M40502) Course Details:

In this workshop, you will deploy a web app using Machine Learning (ML) to predict travel delays given flight delay data and weather conditions. Plan a bulk data import operation, followed by preparation, such as cleaning and manipulating the data for testing, and training your Machine Learning model.

    No classes are currenty scheduled for this course.

    Call (919) 283-1674 to get a class scheduled online or in your area!

Module 1: Whiteboard Design Session - Big Data and Visualization

  • Review the customer case study
  • Design a proof of concept solution
  • Present the solution

*Please Note: Course Outline is subject to change without notice. Exact course outline will be provided at time of registration.

At the end of this workshop, you will be better able to build a complete machine learning model in Azure Databricks for predicting if an upcoming flight will experience delays. In addition, you will learn to store the trained model in Azure Machine Learning Model Management, then deploy to Docker containers for scalable on-demand predictions, use Azure Data Factory (ADF) for data movement and operationalizing ML scoring, summarize data with Azure Databricks and Spark SQL, and visualize batch predictions on a map using Power BI.

Module 2: Hands-On Lab - Big Data and Visualization

  • Build a Machine Learning Model
  • Setup Azure Data Factory
  • Develop a data factory pipeline for data movement
  • Operationalize ML scoring with Azure ML and Data Factory
  • Summarize data using HDInsight Spark
  • Visualizing in Power BI Desktop
  • Deploy intelligent web app

Workshop content presumes 300-level understanding, specifically architectural expertise of infrastructure and solutions design. We suggest students take this prerequisite prior to attending this workshop.  Student should have attended or have equivalent knowledge of one of the following courses: M20532, M20533, or M20535.

This workshop is intended for Cloud Architects and IT professionals who have architectural expertise of infrastructure and solutions design in cloud technologies and want to learn more about Azure and Azure services as described in the ‘Course Overview’ and ‘What You'll Learn’ areas.  Those attending this workshop should also be experienced in other non-Microsoft cloud technologies, meet the course prerequisites, and want to cross-train on Azure.

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