Azure Foundations Day Course Details:

This 6-hour event is designed to teach business leaders and IT professionals the benefits of computing in the Azure Cloud. This event covers cloud concepts.

    No classes are currenty scheduled for this course.

    Call (919) 283-1674 to get a class scheduled online or in your area!

Brief demonstrations will be given to show the concepts described (time permitting).


Module 0 - Introduction

  • Instructor/co-host Introduction.


Module 1 - Cloud Concepts

  • What is cloud computing?
  • The differences between a public, private and hybrid cloud.
  • A side-by-side comparison of the various cloud models.
  • Cloud benefits explained – high availability, scalability, global reach, agility, disaster recovery, fault tolerance, elasticity, customer latency management, predictive cost considerations and security.
  • Comparing capital expenditure (on premises) versus operational expenditure (the cloud).
  • The definition of Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS), Platform as a Service (PaaS) and Software as a Service (SaaS).
  • A side-by-side comparison of IaaS, PaaS and SaaS.
  • The balance of responsibility struck between you and the cloud provider when you choose IaaS, PaaS or SaaS.
  • A description of Serverless Computing.


Module 2 – Core Azure Services

  • The physical architecture of Azure:
    • A description of:
      • Regions
      • Region pairs
      • Availability zones
      • Availability options and how they affect SLAs
    • Managing Azure resources:
      • Examples of Azure Resources
      • What resource groups are used for
      • What the Azure Resource Manager (ARM) does
    • Subscriptions and Billing:
      • Azure Subscriptions starting with the pay-as-you-go model
      • Other billing models
    • Core Azure Products and what they do:
      • Azure virtual machines
      • Azure application services
      • Azure container services
  • A sample of Azure’s networking services.
  • An overview of Azure’s storage services.
  • An overview of Azure’s database services.
  • An Azure SQL managed instances and why you might want one.
  • The Azure marketplace for finding prebuilt images and more.


Module 3 – Core Solutions

  • Services for implementing Internet of Things.
  • Services for implementing big data management and analytics.
  • Services for implementing artificial intelligence and machine learning models.
  • Azure’s DevOps facilities to assist with software development and distribution.
  • Azure’s management tools: PowerShell, the Azure CLI (command line interface) and the Cloud Shell.
  • An overview of Azure’s performance monitoring, logging and alerting tools.
  • Using Azure Resource Manager templates to automate creating resources.


Module 4 - Security

  • The Azure Security Center and how it helps you assess the security of your resources.
  • The Azure key vault and what it is for.
  • Introducing the defense in depth model used to help identify areas of concern.
  • What network security groups (NSGs) are and where you would use them.
  • The Azure firewall, its purpose and how it differs from a network security group.
  • How Azure protects you against Distributed Denial of Service attacks.


Module 5 – Identity, Governance, Privacy and Compliance

  • Introducing Azure Active Directory.
  • Multi-factor authentication options.
  • Introducing role-based authentication (RBAC).
  • An overview of Azure policy and how it implements compliance.
  • What the Cloud Adoption Framework is.
  • Microsoft’s perspective on security, privacy and compliance.
  • Microsoft’s privacy statement and how to access it.
  • How the Trust Center helps you implement compliancy.
  • Azure’s compliance documentation library and how to access it.


Module 6 – Azure Pricing and Life Cycle

  • An overview of factors that affect costs.
  • Using the Pricing Calculator to estimate costs.
  • An overview of the Azure cost management tools.
  • Some techniques you can use to minimize costs.
  • What Service Level Agreements (SLA’s) mean and where to find specific SLA’s for a service.
  • Your actions that affect SLA’s

*Please Note: Course Outline is subject to change without notice. Exact course outline will be provided at time of registration.

This course is designed to give a high level overview of cloud services. This event covers Cloud Concepts, Core Azure Services, Core Solutions, Security, Identity, Governance, Privacy and Compliance and Azure Pricing and Life Cycle.

There are no pre-requisites for taking this course. However, the more technical knowledge a student has, the more they will understand about the cloud.

This course is suitable for program managers and technical sales, with a general IT background.

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