Oracle12c PL/SQL Foundations Course Details:

In this course, you will learn about the Oracle 12c PL/SQL programming language. You will be able to control data sharing and locking, develop an understanding of multi-user and concurrent transactions, and develop triggers, procedures, functions, and packages.

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1. Introduction to PL/SQL

  • History of PL/SQL
  • Features and Benefits of PL/SQL
  • Relationship of PL/SQL to SQL
  • PL/SQL Development Tools
  • Native Compilation

2. PL/SQL Basics

  • PL/SQL Anonymous Block Structure, Lexical Units, Variable Declarations, Types, and Records
  • SQL*Plus Development Environment
  • Displaying Messages with DBMS_OUTPUT
  • Object Naming Rules, and PL/SQL Style Guide and Coding Conventions

3. Working with Database Data

  • SELECTing Single Rows
  • Declaring Variable Datatypes Dynamically
  • Modifying Database Data (DML)
  • Transaction Control Statements

4. Selecting Multiple Rows Using Cursors

  • Declaring Explicit Cursors
  • Implicit Cursor Attributes
  • Using the Cursor FOR LOOP

5. Exception Handling

  • Writing an Exception Handler Section
  • Handling Predefined Exceptions, Controlling Exception Processing - Exception Propagation
  • Preventing Unhandled Exceptions
  • Exception Propagation

6. Advanced Cursors

  • Cursor Parameters
  • Taking Advantage of a Weak Cursor Variable
  • Using the FOR UPDATE Clause
  • Using PL/SQL Collections and Nested Collections

7. Introduction to Procedures and Functions

  • Creating Stored PL/SQL Objects, Procedures, Functions

8. Creating Packages

  • Creating Package Specifications and Bodies
  • One Time Only Procedures
  • Persistent State

9. Creating DML Triggers

  • Triggering Events and Trigger Behavior
  • Correlation Identifiers and Multi-statement Triggers
  • Trigger Firing Behavior and Enabling/Disabling Triggers

10. Advanced Packages

  • Initializing Variables
  • Module Overloading
  • Recursion
  • Purity Levels
  • Advanced Triggers
  • Trigger Limitations, Mutating, and Constraining Tables
  • Using CALL and Client Triggers
  • DDL Triggers
  • Using SERVERERROR Event
  • Schema vs. Database Triggers
  • Using Alternative Events and Levels
  • INSTEAD OF Triggers on Views

12. PL/SQL Composite Datatypes and Collections

  • PL/SQL Records, PL/SQL Associative Arrays, and Arrays of Records
  • Using PL/SQL Record Variables
  • PL/SQL Collections

13. Bulk-Bind Data Loading Using PL/SQL

  • Defining Bulk Binds
  • Error Handling with Bulk Binds

14. Using Oracle Supplied Packages

  • DBMS_OUTPUT Package
  • UTL_FILE package (file i/o)
  • DBMS_ALERT/PIPE Packages
  • DBMS_JOB Package
  • DBMS_STATS Package
  • DBMS_UTILITY Package
  • UTL_SMTP/MAIL Packages
  • DBMS_SQL Package

15. Writing Native Dynamic SQL


16. PL/SQL Wrapper

  • PL/SQL Wrapper (source code encryption)

17. Understanding Dependencies

  • Viewing Dependencies
  • Effect of Breaking Dependency Chain

18. Large Object Management in PL/SQL

  • Differences between LONG/LONG RAW and LOBs
  • Creating and Using BFILEs, and Tables with LOBs
  • LOBs and PL/SQL
  • DBMS_LOB Capabilities
  • Temporary LOBs

19. Objects

  • Basic Objects
  • Object Inheritance

*Please Note: Course Outline is subject to change without notice. Exact course outline will be provided at time of registration.
  • The PL/SQL environment
  • PL/SQL program structure
  • Native compilation
  • Update, insert, and delete statements
  • Variable scope rules
  • Error functions and debugging
  • Logical comparisons
  • Defining, executing, and testing both procedures and functions
  • Creating package specifications and bodies
  • Creating triggers
  • Using Oracle supplied packages
  • Understanding advanced PL/SQL features

1. Using PL/SQL to Create an Anonymous Block

2. PL/SQL Program Control

3. Selecting and Updating Database Data

4. Using Explicit Cursors

5. Handling Exceptions

6. Creating Procedures

7. Creating Functions

8. Creating Packages

9. Creating Triggers

10. Embedded Functions and Procedures

11. Creating Autonomous Transactions

12. Encrypting Source Code

13. Using the UTL_FILE Package

14. Using the DBMS_ALERT Package

15. Creating Object Types

16. Creating and Manipulating Object Tables

17. Working with Collections

18. Collections and Bulk Binding

19. DBMS_SQL / Native Dynamic SQL

20. Working with Large Objects

Oracle 12c Foundations: SQL and SQL*PLUS (OR103) or equivalent experience

Application Developers and Database Administrators who need a comprehensive understanding of Oracle 12c PL/SQL language

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