Oracle 12c PL/SQL Introduction Course Details:

In this course, you will receive a hands-on introduction to the Oracle12c PL/SQL procedural language for SQL. You will cover how to insert, update, and delete data, control data sharing and locking, debug and use error report procedures. You will also learn how to develop database triggers and store procedures and functions for future reuse.

    No classes are currenty scheduled for this course.

    Call (919) 283-1674 to get a class scheduled online or in your area!

1. PL/SQL Basics

  • SQL and PL/SQL
  • PL/SQL anonymous block structure and datatypes
  • Variable declarations and naming conventions
  • Object naming rules
  • Executable statements
  • Operators in PL/SQL
  • Conditional control / repetition control
  • LOOP statements - Basic LOOP, WHILE, FOR
  • CASE Expressions and Statements
  • Nested blocks
  • Labels and block identification
  • Basic coding standards
  • SQL*PLUS development environment
  • Using SQL developer
  • Bind variables / substitution variables
  • Datatypes: scalar, collection, record, reference
  • Commenting code

2. Working with Database Data

  • SELECT statements in PL/SQL
  • Selecting single and multiple rows
  • Referencing other variables or a database column's datatypes with %TYPE
  • Using %ROWTYPE
  • Using sequences in PL/SQL
  • Modifying database data (DML)
  • Transaction control commands
  • Selecting data into PL/SQL variables
  • Explicit cursors / Cursor attributes
  • Transaction control commands
  • Referencing other structures datatypes
  • Using the cursor FOR LOOP

3. Exception Handling

  • Writing an exception handler section
  • Handling predefined and user-defined exceptions
  • Controlling exception processing
  • Preventing unhandled exceptions

4. Stored PL/SQL Objects

  • Introduction to procedures and functions stored in the database
  • Creating stored PL/SQL objects
  • Passing values with parameters
  • Creating procedures, functions, packages, and package bodies in SQL*Plus and SQL Developer
  • Introduction to database triggers
  • Viewing and recompiling stored code

*Please Note: Course Outline is subject to change without notice. Exact course outline will be provided at time of registration.
  • PL/SQL environment and program structure
  • Update, insert, and delete statements
  • Error report functions
  • Debugging procedures
  • Logical comparisons
  • Define, store and execute procedures and functions
  • Create package specifications and package bodies
  • Create composite datatypes
  • Work with implicit and explicit cursors
  • Lab 1: Using PL/SQL to Create an Anonymous Block
  • Lab 2: PL/SQL Basics
  • Lab 3: Using SQL Developer
  • Lab 4: Selecting and Updating Database Data
  • Lab 5: Using Explicit Cursors
  • Lab 6: Handling Exceptions
  • Lab 7: Creating a Procedure
  • Lab 8: Creating a Function
  • Lab 9: Creating a Package from Procedures and Functions
  • Lab 10: Creating a Database Trigger

Anyone who needs to extract and organize information from an Oracle database, including:

  • Application designers
  • Developers
  • Database administrators
  • End users

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