Oracle 12c SQL & PL/SQLPLUS Express Introduction Course Details:

In this course, you will receive an introduction to Oracle's relational database and a hands-on introduction in how to add, update, extract and organize information from the database. You will cover how to format reports and export data using ODBC. You will also work with Oracle's Structured Query Language (SQL), SQL*Plus, and Procedural Language for SQL (PL/SQL). Debugging, error reporting procedures, and how to define, execute, and store procedures for reuse will also be covered in this course.

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1. Database Management System (DBMS) Overview

  • What is a Database?
  • Types of DBMSs

2. Introduction to Entity Relationship Modeling

  • What is a Data Model?
  • Why Use an Entity Relationship Model?

3. Fundamentals of Relational Database Management Systems

  • What is an RDBMS?
  • Relationships between Tables

4. SQL Basics and SQL*Plus

  • Understanding the Difference Between SQL, SQL*Plus, and PL/SQL
  • Entering and Executing Commands

5. Using SQL Developer

  • Understanding the SQL Developer Environment and Commands

6. The WHERE and ORDER BY Clause

7. Using the Data Dictionary

8. Single Row Functions

  • Functions, Date and Numeric Format
  • Models/Data Conversion
  • Control Statements

9. Joining Data from Multiple Tables in Queries

  • The JOIN Condition / The Cartesian Product, Outer JOINs
  • SET Operators
  • ANSI SQL99 Join Syntax

10. Group Functions and the GROUP BY Clause

  • Distinct Operator in Group Functions

11. Using Subqueries and CASE Clauses

  • Single-Row, Multi-Row, Multi-Column Subqueries

12. Analytic Functions

  • Single Row and Aggregating Analytic Functions

13. SQL*Plus Reporting

  • SQL*Plus Report Writing Commands
  • Control Breaks, Computing Aggregate Amounts

14. Data Manipulation Language (DML) Commands

  • MERGE Command
  • Use of Subqueries, Transaction Control, Locking

15. Getting Data in and out of Oracle

  • SQL*Loader Basics
  • Importing Into Excel
  • Direct Database Queries Using ODBC

16. PL/SQL Basics

  • PL/SQL anonymous block structure and Datatypes
  • Variable declarations, Object naming rules
  • Executable Statements Repetition control
  • CASE Expressions and Statements
  • Basic Coding Standards

17. Working with Database Data

  • Referencing other variables or a database column's datatypes
  • Implicit cursor attributes
  • Transaction control commands
  • Selecting data into PL/SQL variables
  • Declaring explicit cursors

18. Exception Handling

  • Handling predefined and user-defined exceptions
  • Preventing unhandled exceptions
  • Controlling exception processing

19. Stored PL/SQL Objects

  • Introduction to procedures and functions stored in the database
  • Creating stored PL/SQL objects
  • Creating procedures, functions, packages, package bodies
  • Introduction to database triggers
  • Viewing and recompiling stored code

*Please Note: Course Outline is subject to change without notice. Exact course outline will be provided at time of registration.
  • Extract and organize information from the database
  • Format reports using SQL*Plus commands
  • Insert, update, and delete information in database tables
  • Work with the PL/SQL environment and program structure
  • Use error report functions and debugging procedures
  • Use logical comparisons
  • Define and execute procedures and functions
  • Test procedures and functions
  • Create package specifications and package bodies
  • Create DML triggers
  • Store PL/SQL program units

1. RDBMS Principles

2. SQL*Plus Basics

3. Using iSQL*Plus

4. Using SQL Developer

5. Insert, Update and Delete Data

6. SQL Queries

7. Filtering And Sorting Data

8. Single Row Functions

9. Joining Multiple Tables

10. ANSI SQL99 Joins

11. Group Clauses and Functions

12. Subqueries

13. Analyzing Data

14. Using PL/SQL to create an Anonymous Block

15. PL/SQL Basics

16. Selecting and Updating Database Data

17. Using Explicit Cursors

18. Handling Exceptions

19. Creating a Procedure

20. Creating a Function

21. Creating a Package

22. Creating a Database Trigger

Anyone who needs to extract and organize information from an Oracle database, including formatting reports, adding, updating, and deleting data, and exporting data to ODBC files, including:

  • Application designers
  • Developers
  • Database administrators
  • End users

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