SwitchYard Development with Red Hat JBoss Fuse Service Works (JB417) Course Details:

This hands-on, lab-based course gives Java developers and architects an understanding of the SwitchYard product and its position within the Red Hat JBoss Fuse Service Works Platform. SwitchYard provides facilities for creating, deploying, managing, and accessing services as expected with this service-oriented architecture (SOA) platform.

You will be given an overview of JBoss Fuse Service Works and how SwitchYard fits within its components, followed by descriptions of several SwitchYard-supplied components that simplify service implementations, including JavaBean, Camel, Rules, and Business Process Model and Notation (BPMN).

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1. Overview of Red Hat JBoss BRMS

  • Red Hat JBoss Fuse Service Works
  • Red Hat JBoss BRMS architecture
  • Business central

2. Author basic rules

  • Rule basics
  • Rule components
  • Rule processing in JBTravel: A case study
  • Authoring rules with JBoss Developer Studio

3. Decision tables

  • Decision tables in a spreadsheet
  • Decision tables at runtime

4. Domain-specific languages

  • Domain specific language
  • DSL mapping file
  • DSL rule implementation

5. Test rules

6. Author complex rules

  • Advanced conditional elements
  • Advanced field constraints
  • Additional rule components
  • Queries
  • Backward chaining

7. Develop rule applications

  • Rule management
  • Rule integration
  • Rule execution server

8. Control rule execution

9. Debug Drools

10. Complex event processing

11. Performance (subject to time)

Note: Outline is subject to change with technology advances and as the nature of the underlying job evolves.

*Please Note: Course Outline is subject to change without notice. Exact course outline will be provided at time of registration.
  • Software architecture of SwitchYard applications: Composite, component, service, implementation, reference, and binding
  • SwitchYard relationship to the JBoss Fuse Service Works product
  • Creating and configuring SwitchYard services
  • Creating local and remote references to SwitchYard services
  • Component implementation technologies: CDI Bean, Java Connector Architecture (JCA), Camel routes, business process management (BPM)
  • Gateway and binding technologies into and out of the SwitchYard environment, including HTTP, SOAP, SCA, REST, Java Message Service (JMS), File, SQL, HTTP, TCP/UDP, Mail, and others
  • Security configuration support including SSL and SAML authentication
  • Application debugging features (message tracing, Red Hat JBoss Developer Studio support, SwitchYard Runner)
  • Rule authors responsible for authoring and testing rules, using Red Hat JBoss Developer Studio
  • Java application developers responsible for developing and integrating business rules into Java and Java EE enterprise applications

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