Microsoft Windows 10 - Fundamentals Course Details:

Welcome to Using Microsoft® Windows® 10. Whether you’re new to computers or have used them in the past, this class will help you become more comfortable using a personal computer (PC) and, more specifically, the Windows 10 interface. This new version of Windows incorporates hundreds of new features as well as improvements to existing ones.

    No classes are currenty scheduled for this course.

    Call (919) 283-1674 to get a class scheduled online or in your area!

Getting to Know PCs and the Windows 10 User Interface

  • Identify Components of a Personal Computer
  • Sign Into Windows 10
  • The Boot Process
  • The Lock Screen
  • The Sign In Screen
  • Ease of Access Menu
  • Shut Down Options Menu
  • Password Sign In
  • Navigate the Desktop

Explore the Start Menu

  • Using the Start Button
  • Anatomy of the Start Menu
  • Tiles
  • Live Tiles
  • Resizing the Start Menu
  • Viewing All Apps
  • Using Windows Store Apps and Navigation Features
  • Multitask with Apps
  • Switching Between Apps
  • The Snap Feature
  • Using Snap Assist
  • Closing an App

Search Your Computer

  • Getting to Know Cortana
  • Setting Up Cortana
  • Using Cortana Voice Commands
  • Using the Search Field
  • Using the Cortana Menu
  • Using the Cortana Notebook
  • View Notifications
  • About Windows 10 Notifications
  • About the Action Center
  • Opening and Closing the Action Center
  • Clearing Notifications
  • Customizing Notification Settings

Windows Store Apps

  • About the Windows Store
  • Opening the Windows Store
  • Common Windows Store App Navigation Features
  • Downloading and Installing Windows Store Apps
  • Uninstalling Apps

Windows 10 Navigation Summary

  • Moving Between Apps
  • Basic Actions
  • Modifying Window Layout
  • Working with Desktop Applications

Work with Desktop Windows

  • About Desktop Windows
  • Resizing Windows
  • Using Minimize, Maximize/Restore, and Close
  • Using Cascade, Stack, and Side by Side Functions
  • Using Shake and Peek Functions

Manage Files and Folders with File Explorer

  • Files and Folders
  • Libraries
  • Getting to Know File Explorer
  • Tabs and the Ribbon Interface
  • The Quick Access Toolbar
  • Pinning Locations for Quick Access
  • The Recycle Bin

Create and Modify Files with Desktop Applications

  • Creating New Documents
  • Opening Existing Documents
  • Saving Documents
  • The Clipboard
  • Undo and Redo
  • Printing Documents

Using Microsoft Edge

  • Navigate Microsoft Edge
  • Web Browsers and Search Engines

Microsoft Edge and Internet Explorer

  • Elements of the Microsoft Edge Window
  • URLs
  • Bing
  • Use Microsoft Edge
  • The Address Bar
  • Viewing Frequently Visited Websites
  • Viewing Your Favorites
  • Viewing Your Reading List
  • Viewing Your History
  • Using Reading View
  • Creating Web Notes
  • Sharing With Microsoft Edge
  • Using Cortana in Microsoft Edge

Manage Tabs

  • About Tabs
  • Creating New Tabs
  • Switching Between Tabs
  • Managing Tabs
  • Closing a Tab

Modify Microsoft Edge Options

  • About the More Actions Menu
  • Customizing Browser Settings
  • Customizing Advanced Settings
  • Customizing the Windows 10 Environment

Change Basic Windows Settings

  • Accessing the Settings Window
  • Overview of the Settings Window
  • Accessing the Control Panel
  • Overview of the Control Panel
  • Changing the Control Panel View

Customize the Lock Screen

  • Using the Lock Screen
  • Changing the Background
  • Changing Apps
  • Changing the Screen Saver

Customize the Desktop

  • Changing the Desktop Background
  • Changing the Accent Color
  • Applying a Theme

Configure Passwords

  • Managing Passwords
  • Adding a PIN Password
  • Adding a Picture Password

Use Windows Defender

  • What is Windows Defender?
  • Opening Windows Defender
  • Overview of Windows Defender
  • Changing Windows Defender Settings

Store and Share Files with OneDrive

  • What is OneDrive?
  • Using the OneDrive Notification Icon
  • Viewing Your Local OneDrive Folder
  • Viewing Your Online OneDrive Folder
  • Uploading Files and Folders
  • Changing OneDrive Settings

*Please Note: Course Outline is subject to change without notice. Exact course outline will be provided at time of registration.
  • Getting to Know PCs and the Windows 10 User Interface
  • Explore the Start Menu
  • Search Your Computer
  • Windows Store Apps
  • Windows 10 Navigation Summary
  • Work with Desktop Windows
  • Manage Files and Folders with File Explorer
  • Create and Modify Files with Desktop Applications
  • Using Microsoft Edge
  • Microsoft Edge and Internet Explorer
  • Manage Tabs
  • Modify Microsoft Edge Options
  • Change Basic Windows Settings
  • Customize the Lock Screen
  • Customize the Desktop
  • Configure Passwords
  • Use Windows Defender
  • Store and Share Files with OneDrive

This course is intended for new computer users who want to use the basic tools and features of Windows 10. No particular prerequisite skills are required, but any previous exposure to personal computers and the Internet is helpful.

This course is intended to help both novice and experienced users become familiar with the many changes that have been made to Windows with this release. By the end of this course, users should be comfortable logging into Windows 10, completing basic actions using its user interface, customizing the user interface, understanding its security features, and using both Microsoft Edge and File Explorer.

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