Microsoft Excel 2013 - Level 3 / Advanced Course Details:

Students will learn more of the advanced features of Excel. They will acquire upper-level skills, which will allow them to get the most bang for their buck from this powerful software. Attendees will look at working with scenarios, using Solver, the Analysis ToolPak, PivotTable features and developing macros. Other features such as conditional formatting, slicers, the Inquire Add-In, and tracking changes are also covered. If time allows, an introductory lesson on Power Pivot and Power View will be covered.

    No classes are currenty scheduled for this course.

    Call (919) 283-1674 to get a class scheduled online or in your area!

Working with Scenarios

  • Creating Scenarios
  • Loading Scenarios
  • Merging Scenarios
  • Editing Scenarios
  • Creating a Scenario Summary Report
  • Deleting Scenarios

Using Goal Seek, Solver and VLookup

  • Setting up the Worksheet
  • Using Goal Seek
  • Running Solver
  • Generating Reports and Scenarios with Solver
  • Modifying Constraints
  • Setting Solver Options
  • Use VLookup

Analyzing Data

  • Enabling the Analysis ToolPak
  • Using Data Analysis Tools
  • Using Data Tables

Managing Data

  • Consolidating Information
  • Removing Duplicates
  • Configuring Data Validation
  • Transposing Data
  • Converting Text to Columns

Working with Slicers

  • Inserting and Using a Slicer
  • Renaming the Slicer
  • Changing Slicer Settings
  • Formatting a Slicer
  • Clearing the Slicer

Introduction to PivotTable (covered more in-depth in Excel 2013 PivotTable)

  • Creating a Basic PivotTable
  • Creating a Basic PivotChart
  • Using the PivotTable Fields Pane
  • Adding Calculated Fields
  • Sorting Pivoted Data
  • Filtering Pivoted Data

Using the Inquire Add-In

  • Installing Inquire
  • Generating a Workbook Analysis Report
  • Viewing Workbook and Worksheet Relationships
  • Viewing Cell Relationships
  • Comparing Two Workbooks

Tracking Changes

  • Tracking Changes
  • Reviewing Changes
  • Setting Options for Tracking Changes
  • Stopping Tracking Changes

Using Macros

  • Recording a Macro
  • Writing a Macro using the Visual Basic Editor
  • Editing a Macro
  • Running a Macro

*Please Note: Course Outline is subject to change without notice. Exact course outline will be provided at time of registration.

Students will learn how to:

  • Work with Scenarios
  • Use Goal Seek, Solver, and VLookup
  • Analyze Data
  • Manage Data
  • Work with Slicers
  • Work with PivotTable
  • Use the Inquire Add-In
  • Use Macros

Course prerequisites include taking Excel 2013 Level 2 or an equivalent in working knowledge of the software.

This course is intended for students who are experienced Excel 2010 users who have a desire or need to advance their skills in working with some of the more advanced Excel features.

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