Microsoft Excel 2010 - Level 3 / Advanced Course Details:

This course will teach you how to create outlines and subtotals, pivot tables and reports, and create and use macros and forms.

    No classes are currenty scheduled for this course.

    Call (919) 283-1674 to get a class scheduled online or in your area!

Explore the User Interface (If Required for Upgrade Students)

  • Backstage View
  • Ribbon Overview
  • Mini Toolbar
  • Status Bar
  • Shortcut Key Tips
  • Contextual Tabs


  • Change Excel Options

Manipulate Data

  • Use Automatic Outlining
  • Display and Collapse Levels
  • Manually Group Data
  • Create Subtotals

Pivot Tables

  • Create a Pivot Table
  • Change and Rearrange Pivot Table Data
  • Modify Pivot Table Format and Structure
  • Chart a Pivot Table
  • Create a Pivot Table from External Data
  • Use Slicer to Filter Pivot Table Data
  • Use Sparklines
  • Use the PowerPivot Add In

Using Excel with Other Programs

  • Link to an Access Database
  • Transform Excel into an Access Database
  • Import and Export Data to and from Text and CSV files
  • Import Data from External Sources
  • Link and Embed from Other Sources

Using Goal Seek, Solver and VLookup

  • Create and Use Scenarios
  • Create a Scenario Summary Report
  • Save Multiple Scenarios
  • Use a One and Two Input Data Table
  • Use Goal Seek
  • Use the Solver

Excel and the Internet

  • Add, Modify and Remove Hyperlinks
  • Save Workbooks, Sheets, Charts and Ranges as Webpages
  • Create, Save and Refresh a Web Query
  • Publish to a Document Server
  • Saving to Sharepoint

Advanced Tasks

  • Create, Open and Edit a Shared Workbook
  • Track Changes in a Shared Workbook
  • Review Changes
  • Set Options for Tracking Changes
  • Create, Use and Modify Custom Lists
  • Consolidate Workbooks
  • Link Workbooks
  • Combine Worksheets


  • Macro Security
  • Record and Play a Macro
  • Record and Run a Relative Reference Macro
  • Assign a Macro to a Keystroke or Quick Access Toolbar

*Please Note: Course Outline is subject to change without notice. Exact course outline will be provided at time of registration.

Upon completion of the course, participants will be able to create use macros, create and use Scenarios, use Goal Seek, and link Excel to an Access Database.

The prerequisites for this course is an intermediate Excel course or equivalent working knowledge of the software.

This course is intended for students who are experienced Excel 2010 users who have a desire or need to advance their skills in working with some of the more advanced Excel features.

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