Microsoft SharePoint 2010, Application Development Course Details:

In this course for .NET developers, you will gain practical information and complete labs that enable you to build solutions on the Microsoft SharePoint 2010 platform.

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1. Introduction to the SharePoint 2010 Development Platform

  • SharePoint 2010 as a Development Platform
  • SharePoint 2010 Object Hierarchy
  • Working with SharePoint 2010 Objects

2. Using SharePoint 2010 Developer Tools

  • Developing SharePoint Sites by Using SharePoint Designer 2010
  • Developing SharePoint Solutions by Using Visual Studio 2010
  • Packaging and Deploying SharePoint 2010 Solutions

3. Developing SharePoint 2010 Web Parts

  • Developing Standard Web Parts
  • Developing Connected Web Parts
  • Developing Visual Web Parts

4. Working with SharePoint Objects on the Server

  • Working with SharePoint Sites Programmatically
  • Working with SharePoint Lists Programmatically
  • Working with List Data Programmatically

5. Creating Event Receivers and Application Settings

  • Creating Event Receivers
  • Working with Web.Config Programmatically

6. Developing Solutions by Using Business Connectivity Services

  • Business Connectivity Services Overview
  • Developing External Content Types and Lists by Using SharePoint Designer
  • Developing Business Connectivity Services Solutions by Using Visual Studio 2010

7. Developing SharePoint 2010 Workflows

  • Creating Workflows with SharePoint Designer
  • Creating Workflows with Visual Studio 2010

8. Working with Client-Based APIs for SharePoint 2010

  • Overview of the SharePoint 2010 Client Object Model
  • Working with the SharePoint 2010 Client Object Model in .NET Applications

9. Developing Interactive User Interfaces

  • Creating Menu Items and Ribbon Controls
  • Creating Client-Side Dialogs

10. Developing Silverlight Applications for SharePoint

  • Creating Silverlight Applications for SharePoint 2010
  • Deploying and Debugging Silverlight Applications for SharePoint 2010

11. Developing Sandboxed Solutions

  • Sandboxing and User Solutions
  • Restrictions for Sandboxed Solutions

12. Working with SharePoint Server Profiles and Taxonomy APIs

  • User Profiles
  • Taxonomies

13. Developing Content Management Solutions

  • Developing Enterprise Content Management Solutions
  • Developing Web Content Management Solutions

*Please Note: Course Outline is subject to change without notice. Exact course outline will be provided at time of registration.
  • SharePoint 2010 development platform and the benefits and features that it offers to developers
  • Use development tools that are integrated with the SharePoint 2010 development platform, such as Visual Studio 2010 and SharePoint Designer 2010
  • Develop Web Parts for SharePoint 2010 solutions
  • Develop code that uses the server-side objects provided by the SharePoint 2010 development platform
  • Develop event receivers and manipulate application settings for SharePoint 2010 solutions
  • Develop solutions that access external data by using Business Connectivity Services
  • Develop workflows as part of SharePoint 2010 solutions
  • Develop code that uses the client-side objects provided by the SharePoint 2010 development platform
  • Develop server ribbon controls and client dialogs for the new user interface platform of SharePoint 2010
  • Develop Microsoft Silverlight applications that are integrated with SharePoint 2010 data and solutions
  • Develop sandboxed solutions for SharePoint 2010
  • Develop code that uses the taxonomic and user profile services of the SharePoint 2010 development platform
  • Develop code that uses the content management services of the SharePoint 2010 development platform

Lab 1: Developing with the SharePoint 2010 Object Hierarchy

  • Creating SharePoint 2010 Application Pages by Using Visual Studio 2010
  • Enumerating SharePoint 2010 Farm Hierarchies
  • Manipulating Properties of Objects in the SharePoint Farm

Lab 2: Using SharePoint 2010 Developer Tools

  • Creating Document Libraries by Using SharePoint Designer 2010
  • Creating SharePoint List Definitions and Instances by Using Visual Studio 2010
  • Packaging Features and Solutions by Using Visual

Lab 3: Creating SharePoint 2010 Web Parts by Using Visual Studio 2010

  • Creating, Deploying, and Debugging a Simple Web Part by Using Visual Studio 2010
  • Using SharePoint Components in a Web Part
  • Creating a Visual Web Part by Using Visual Studio 2010

Lab 4: Creating and Manipulating Server-Side Objects

  • Creating and Securing Sites Programmatically
  • Creating Lists Programmatically
  • Retrieving Secured Data

Lab 5: Creating Event Receivers and Web.Config Modifications

  • Creating List Event Receivers
  • Creating Feature Receivers to Modify Web.Config
  • Creating Web Event Receivers

Lab 6: Building Business Connectivity Services Solutions

  • Creating External Content Types and Lists by Using SharePoint Designer 2010
  • Creating Business Data Catalog Models by Using Visual Studio 2010

Lab 7: Creating Workflows for SharePoint 2010

  • Creating Workflows by Using SharePoint Designer
  • Creating a Sequential Workflow by Using Visual Studio 2010

Lab 8: Developing .NET Applications by Using the SharePoint Client Object Model

  • Creating a SharePoint 2010 Site, List, and List Items Using the Client Object Model
  • Building and Using the Console Application

Lab 9: Developing User Interface Components for SharePoint 2010 Solutions

  • Creating a Site Actions Menu Item
  • Creating a Ribbon Item
  • Creating a Client-Side Dialog

Lab 10: Developing Silverlight Applications by using the SharePoint Client Object Model

  • Creating a Silverlight Application
  • Developing the Silverlight Application

Lab 11: Creating Sandboxed Solutions for SharePoint 2010

  • Creating a Sandboxed Solution by Using Visual Studio 2010
  • Investigating Allowed and Disallowed Operations in Sandboxed Solutions

Lab 12: Working with User Profiles and Taxonomies Programmatically

  • Managing User Profiles
  • Working with User Profiles Programmatically

Lab 13: Branding SharePoint Sites

  • Customizing Master Pages
  • Applying a Theme to a SharePoint Site
  • Professional developers who use Microsoft SharePoint 2010 in a team-based, medium-to-large development environment
  • Experienced users of Microsoft Visual Studio 2008 SP1 who understand how to use the new features of SharePoint 2010 and Visual Studio 2010

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