Evaluate and Select the Right Cloud Provider Course Details:

You know the basics of cloud technology and you’re ready to adopt it at your organization, but choosing a provider has proven to be confusing. With the large number of cloud providers, and many of them offering similar products and services, it is hard to determine who to trust with your data. Migrating all or part of your business to the cloud will impact your organization, and it is important to remember that the provider you choose will do the same. 

Through case study scenarios and hands-on exercises, this course teaches you how to research providers and differentiate between contenders. Given a list of common business needs, you will use the examples of big cloud players such as Google Cloud, Amazon Web Services (AWS), Microsoft Azure, and IBM Bluemix to research the appropriate provider to meet those needs. You will learn how to assess how well a provider fulfills required services and regulatory requirements. Once you have narrowed your field of choices, you will learn how to interpret the ratings according to given business needs. 

You will leave this class with the tools and information you need to map your own business requirements to one or more cloud-based solutions, do your own research, and ask the right questions to determine the solution that best meets your needs.

This course is perfect for anyone trying to get an overview of the complexity of moving business into the cloud, the course will leave you feeling more confident about planning such a migration. Having completed the course I now have a clearer picture about how to assess a cloud migration: evaluating the provider, determining the right service option, assessing price structures, and the advantages of vertical and horizontal scaling.

Iain M. -
Senior Solutions Architect

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1. Introduction

2. Evaluate Solution Requirements

  • Cloud basics refresher
  • Define project drivers

3. Identify Cloud Service Providers

  • References and reference material
  • Research techniques

4. Explore Products

  • Associate product names with common technology features
  • How to build a translation tool

5. Satisfy Requirements

  • Business drivers vs. technical specifications
  • Gather vendor information

6. Size and Plan a Solution

  • Compare cloud providers
  • Use vendor calculators

7. Complete the Research Process

  • Review findings
  • Discuss next steps

*Please Note: Course Outline is subject to change without notice. Exact course outline will be provided at time of registration.
  • Identify Business Objectives
  • Research Cloud Providers and Their Products and Services
  • Evaluate Available Cloud Solutions, Given Specific Business Objectives
  • Map Cloud Solutions to Specific Business Needs
  • Differentiate between Two Providers that Seem to Meet Those Needs
  • A basic understanding of cloud technology and the different types of service models (IaaS, PaaS, SaaS) and deployments (public, private, hybrid)
  • The ability to conduct internet research and compare and contrast different companies
  • IT project managers
  • Project managers
  • Project coordinators
  • IT project staff
  • Business analysts
  • Systems analysts
  • IT directors
  • Solution architects
  • Business unit leaders
  • Functional managers
  • Clients who are exploring the cloud landscape and who have been looking to our salespeople as the experts
  • Channel partners who sell cloud products whose clients are exploring the cloud landscape and who have been looking to salespeople as the experts

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