Essential TypeScript 2.1 with Visual Studio Code Course Details:

TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript that compiles to plain JavaScript that can run in any browser and on any platform. It supports the latest JavaScript features, including those from ECMAScript 2015, as well as proposed features from future JavaScript versions, such as decorators and async / await. But what makes TypeScript ideal for large web applications is the addition of optional type annotations, which gives developer tools to provide IntelliSense and syntax checking so that errors are caught at compile-time instead of at run-time. 

In this course, you will be provided with in-depth coverage of TypeScript, including language syntax as well as object-oriented and asynchronous programming. You will learn how to organize your code using namespaces and modules. You will also learn to use Visual Studio Code, Microsoft’s lightweight cross-platform code editor, to build RESTful services in TypeScript with Node.js, as well as responsive client applications with Angular 2, which is itself written in TypeScript.

Note: You may use your own laptop with Windows, OS X, or Linux.

    No classes are currenty scheduled for this course.

    Call (919) 283-1674 to get a class scheduled online or in your area!

1. Introduction to TypeScript

  • History and Importance of JavaScript
  • JavaScript Strengths and Weaknesses
  • Limitations of JavaScript
  • Advantages of TypeScript
  • TypeScript Design Goals
  • Installing TypeScript
  • Getting Started

2. TypeScript Language Basics

  • Declaring Variables
  • Basic Types
  • Type Annotations
  • Non-Nullable Types
  • Basic Data Structures
  • Operators
  • Flow Control Statements

3. Using Visual Studio Code for TypeScript Development

  • Tooling Options
  • VS Code Features
  • Limitations
  • Project System
  • Navigation Basics
  • Productivity
  • JavaScript Intellisense
  • Configuring TypeScript Projects
  • Compiling TypeScript
  • Debugging

4. Task Automation, Unit Testing, and Continuous Integration

  • Need for Task Automation
  • Task Runners
  • Introduction to Gulp
  • Using Gulp
  • Configuring Build Tasks
  • Debugging Gulp Tasks
  • Testing Approaches
  • Testing Frameworks
  • Writing Unit Tests with Jasmine
  • Running Tests in a Browser
  • Writing Tests in TypeScript
  • Test Runners
  • Continuous Integration

5. TypeScript Type System

  • Type Compatibility
  • Type Inference
  • Access Modifiers
  • Union Types
  • Type Guards
  • Intersection Types
  • Type Assertions
  • Type Aliases
  • String Literal Types
  • Polymorphic “this” Types

6. Functional Programming

  • Function Types
  • Anonymous Functions
  • Arrow Functions
  • General-Purpose Array Functions
  • Callback Guidelines
  • Optional and Default Parameters
  • Rest Parameters
  • Function Overloading

7. Asynchronous Programming

  • Importance of Async
  • Callbacks
  • Callback Hell
  • Promises
  • Generators
  • Async and Await

8. Object-Oriented Programming

  • Introduction to Object-Oriented Programming
  • SOLID Principles
  • Interfaces
  • Classes
  • Inheritance
  • Mixins
  • Abstract Classes
  • Class Expressions

9. Generics and Decorators

  • Algorithm Reuse
  • Generic constructs
  • Type Parameters
  • Constraints
  • Generic Functions
  • Generic Interfaces and Classes
  • Aspect-Oriented Programming
  • Creating Decorators
  • Class, Property, Method and Parameter Decorators
  • Decorator Factories
  • Metadata Reflection API

10. Namespaces and Modules

  • Name Collisions
  • Namespaces
  • Defining Namespaces
  • Limitations of HTML Script Tags
  • Module Loaders
  • ECMAScript 2015 Module Support
  • Module Organization
  • Exporting from Modules
  • Importing from Modules
  • Module Guidelines

11. Practical TypeScript with Express and Angular

  • SPA Architecture
  • Introduction to REST
  • Express Framework
  • Routing Basics
  • MV* Architecture
  • SPA Frameworks
  • Angular 2 Concepts
  • Components, Templates, Metadata
  • Services and Dependency Injection
  • HTTP Requests

*Please Note: Course Outline is subject to change without notice. Exact course outline will be provided at time of registration.
  • Compile TypeScript to JavaScript with support for intellisense and debugging
  • TypeScript syntax for variable declarations, non-nullable types, operators and flow control statements
  • Tips and tricks for using Visual Studio Code to build TypeScript applications
  • Configure Visual Studio Code for task automation with Gulp
  • Lint and compile TypeScript code with extensions for Visual Studio Code
  • Write unit tests in Jasmine for behavior and test driven development
  • Use Karma for Continuous Integration to run unit tests as part of a build process
  • TypeScript type system, union and intersection types, type guards and string literal types
  • Arrow functions, function overloading, optional, default and rest parameters
  • Asynchronous programming with promises, generators and async / await
  • Object-oriented programming with interfaces, classes, inheritance and class expressions
  • Algorithm reuse with generic interfaces, classes and functions with generic constraints
  • Namespaces and modules with support for various module loaders, including ECMAScript 2015 modules
  • Build RESTful services in TypeScript with Node.js and Express
  • Build Single Page Applications (SPA’s) in TypeScript using Angular 2

Lab 1: Introduction to TypeScript 

  • Install TypeScript using NPM
  • Convert JavaScript into TypeScript
  • Compile TypeScript into JavaScript 

Lab 2: TypeScript Language Basics 

  • Use var, let and const to declare variables
  • Use type annotations to declare basic types explicitly
  • Create basic data structures and use operators with flow control statements 

Lab 3: Using Visual Studio Code for TypeScript Development 

  • Launch Visual Studio Code
  • Scaffold a project with Yeoman
  • Import type declarations for intellisense with JavaScript libraries
  • Configure a TypeScript project, specify compilation options
  • Add a build task, auto compile when files change
  • Configure debugging, set breakpoints, add watches for variables and expressions 

Lab 4: Task Automation, Unit Testing, Continuous Integration 

  • Install Gulp using NPM
  • Add gulpfile.js, import gulp plugins, add type declarations
  • Set up Gulp debugging
  • Configure VS Code to use Gulp for compiling TypeScript
  • Write unit tests using Jasmine, run tests using Karma 

Lab 5: TypeScript Type System 

  • Compare structural and nominal typing
  • Observe type inference
  • Use typeof and instanceof operators
  • Create union types
  • Perform type assertions with the as operator
  • Implement user-defined type guards 

Lab 6: Functional Programming 

  • Become familiar with functional programming concepts
  • Use function types
  • Anonymous functions
  • Arrow functions
  • General-purpose array functions
  • Callback guidelines
  • Optional, default, and rest parameters 

Lab 7: Asynchronous Programming

  • Callbacks
  • Promises
  • Generators
  • async / await 

Lab 8: Object-oriented Programming 

  • Use interfaces and classes with inheritance and mixins
  • Define abstract classes and class expressions 

Lab 9: Generics and Decorators 

  • Create generic functions, interfaces, and classes
  • Apply generic constraints
  • Use generic constructs
  • Create class, property, method, and parameter decorators
  • Create a decorator factory for selecting an appropriate decorator
  • Use the reflection metadata API to retrieve type information at runtime 

Lab 10: Namespaces and Modules 

  • Use namespaces to organize code for small client applications
  • Use modules to organize code for large applications
  • Use ES 2015 module loader at design-time and runtime
  • Export and import modules 

Lab 11: Practical TypeScript with Express and Angular 

  • Use Express with Node.js to build a RESTful web service
  • Build an Angular 2 web application with components, templates, and metadata
  • Render views with data returned by HTTP requests to the Express web service

Experience with JavaScript or an object-oriented programming language such as Java or C#

Developers who want to build client or server JavaScript applications using TypeScript with Visual Studio Code for improved productivity with intellisense, debugging, and code refactoring.

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