AMA2561 AMA's 5-Day MBA Workshop Course Details:

Get on the fast track to advancing your knowledge base, making more informed decisions, developing successful strategies, and achieving your personal and organizational goals in this five-day workshop. You will learn how key components of various business units must be integrated and aligned to achieve short and long-term success.

This seminar is presented by a team of expert faculty specializing in accounting, finance, strategy, marketing, and management. With practical examples, case studies, and practice, this is your seminar to accelerate to the next level of excellence.

Note: AMA's 5-Day "MBA" Workshop does not award a degree.

How You Will Benefit

  • Discover how all components of a business fit together
  • Read and understand financial statements and analyze the financial health of a business
  • Gain insights into the economy and its impact on your business
  • Develop a business strategy and establish a sustainable competitive position
  • Learn the language of business and communicate effectively on business matters to any audience level
  • Develop an effective organization and successfully manage people
  • Enjoy an invaluable peer-to-peer learning experience

    No classes are currenty scheduled for this course.

    Call (919) 283-1674 to get a class scheduled online or in your area!

1. Accounting Basics

  • Basic accounting and its impact on financial reporting
  • Financial statements
    • Income statement
    • Balance sheet
    • Retained earnings statement
    • Cash flow statements
  • The accounting process and annual report
  • Evaluate financial statements
    • Nonfinancial considerations
    • Liquidity
    • Leverage
    • Profitability
  • Case study: Sara Lee

2. Finance Fundamentals

  • Performance measures and key indicators
    • Return on Net Assets (RONA)
    • Economic Profit (EP)
    • Weighted Average Cost of Capital (WACC)
  • Improve business unit operating performance
  • Finance the business
    • Leveraging
    • Shortand long-term financing alternatives
    • Equity financing

3. Cost Analysis and Profit Planning

  • Fixed, variable, and semi-variable costs
  • Break-even analysis and contribution margins
  • Cost allocations and reducing inefficiencies

4. Capital Expenditures

  • Types of capital expenditure decisions
  • Calculate Net Present Value (NPV), Internal Rate of Return (IRR), and Profitability Index (PI)
  • Estimate project's cash inflows and outflows
  • Exercise: Discount cash flow

5. Corporate Strategy

  • What strategy is and the relationship between vision, mission, and strategy
  • Strategy formulation: SWOT approach
  • Conceptual model for strategy development
    • Cost leadership
    • Differentiation
    • Cost focus strategy
  • Analysis phase of the strategy development
    • Examine competitive advantage
    • Predict future trends
    • Evaluate competitive position
  • The creation and selection process: Generate strategy alternatives
  • Use quantitative analysis to screen, evaluate, and select strategies

6. Marketing

  • The marketing mix and application
    • Positioning
    • Product/service
    • Price
    • Place/distribution channels
    • Promotion
  • Guiding principles for effective marketing
  • Product and market development
  • Commoditization and product innovation
  • Case studies: Mercedes, Cadillac, and Sara Lee

7. Management

  • Basic functions of management
  • EI and leadership: Lead employees toward organizational goals
  • Motivate, increase morale, and enhance productivity
  • Being a team leader and building effective teams
  • Performance management and conducting effective performance reviews
  • Manage organizational change
  • The 7S Model: Align skills, shared values, staff and other factors to support your organizational strategy and change

*Please Note: Course Outline is subject to change without notice. Exact course outline will be provided at time of registration.
  • How all components of a business fit together
  • Read and understand financial statements and analyze the financial health of a business
  • Insights into the economy and its impact on your business
  • Develop a business strategy and establish a sustainable competitive position
  • The language of business and how to communicate effectively on business matters to any audience level
  • Develop an effective organization and successfully manage people

Anyone interested in obtaining an effective, broad-based overview of the functional areas often covered in university-level MBA programs

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