SAS Enterprise Guide 2: Advanced Tasks and Querying Course Details:

This course is intended for experienced SAS Enterprise Guide users who want to learn more about advanced SAS Enterprise Guide techniques. In this course, you will learn how to use the Query Builder within SAS Enterprise Guide, including manipulating character, numeric, and date values. You will also learn how to convert variable type as well as build conditional expressions using the Expression Builder. Efficiency issues, such as joining tables and using a single query to group, summarize, and filter data is also addressed in this course.

    No classes are currenty scheduled for this course.

    Call (919) 283-1674 to get a class scheduled online or in your area!

1. Introduction

  • Course overview
  • Course logistics

2. Using the Data Menu

  • Append Tables task
  • Split Columns task
  • Stack Columns task
  • Random Sample task
  • Sort Data task

3. Using Functions in the Query Builder

  • Introduction to SAS functions
  • Manipulating numeric values
  • Manipulating character values
  • Converting data type

4. Prompting and Conditional Processing

  • Multiple values prompts
  • Range prompts
  • Conditional processing of project steps

5. Recoding Data

  • Recoding values
  • Recoding values based on a condition
  • Writing CASE expressions
  • Creating and applying custom formats

6. Grouping and Filtering

  • Grouping and summarizing data
  • Including detail and summarized data
  • Filtering summarized data in groups

7. Learning More

  • SAS resources
  • Beyond this course

8. Additional Query Topics

  • Query options
  • Querying DBMS tables

*Please Note: Course Outline is subject to change without notice. Exact course outline will be provided at time of registration.

Exercises or hands-on workshops are included with most SAS courses.

  • Non-programmers with SAS Enterprise Guide experience
  • Experienced programmers with SAS Enterprise Guide experience

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