Agile for Executives Course Details:

Agile has been accepted as a premier process in today's competitive world from process management, project management, and product development. In short, it has streamlined and simplified with most complex tasks and ultimately save companies dollars, time, and resources. As an executive or someone in a management role, adopting Agile methodologies will enhance and empower every project, task, and decision that takes place in your organization and in your day-to-day management. This one-day program will provide you the metrics, methodologies, and accepted, tried, and true principles of Agile management techniques that will transform and empower your position and your business environment.

    No classes are currenty scheduled for this course.

    Call (919) 283-1674 to get a class scheduled online or in your area!

*Please Note: Course Outline is subject to change without notice. Exact course outline will be provided at time of registration.
  • Agile practices and principles and how to incorporate into your day-to-day tasks
  • Valuable information from industry surveys identifying compelling Agile benefits realized by companies worldwide
  • Effective metrics for managing Agile team performance
  • Dispel the myth that mid- and long-term planning are abandoned with Agile
  • How teams and management can build trust more quickly
  • Transition from command and control to empower and inspire style of leadership
  • How to help teams to create a cadence that will enable them to succeed
  • Tools and techniques for promoting transparency in communication at all levels
  • Some of the common pitfalls Agile teams may encounter
  • Learn from an instructor with day-to-day experience implementing Agile practices across multiple organizations
  • Glean knowledge of Agile team roles and where the executive fits

project managers, department heads, company owners, IT manager/directors, sales managers, executive management, CEOs, COOs

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