SAS Report Writing Essentials Course Details:

In this course, you will learn how to create detailed tabular, summary, and listing reports. You also learn how to send report output to the major Output Delivery System (ODS) destinations.

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1. Introduction to the Output Delivery System

  • Course logistics
  • Sending a report to an ODS destination

2. Creating Summary Reports with the TABULATE Procedure

  • Using basic TABULATE procedure statements
  • Enhancing the table
  • Adding percentages
  • More about picture formats (self-study)

3. Advanced TABULATE Procedure Topics

  • Handling missing values with PROC TABULATE
  • Using ODS STYLE= options with PROC TABULATE
  • Working with pages and BY groups
  • Controlling row structure and data subsets
  • Using multilabel formats with PROC TABULATE
  • Working with PROC TABULATE and the listing destination

4. Creating Detail Reports with the REPORT Procedure

  • Using basic REPORT procedure statements
  • Adding summary lines
  • Computing an additional column
  • Working with PROC REPORT in the listing destination (self-study)

5. Creating Summary Reports with the REPORT Procedure

  • Defining and using group variables
  • Customizng break lines
  • Defining and using across variables

6. Advanced REPORT Procedure Topics

  • Using absolute column names with ACROSS usage
  • Working with missing values and PROC REPORT
  • Working with STYLE= overrides with PROC REPORT
  • Enhancements using the CALL DEFINE statement (self-study)
  • Advanced compute block examples (self-study)

7. Enhancing Reports with ODS

  • Adding options to ODS destination statements
  • Using additional ODS features (self-study)
  • Using cascading style sheets with ODS (self-study)

8. Style Attributes and Their Values

  • Attributes for use with the STYLE= options in PROC REPORT and PROC TABULATE

9. ODS and SAS Enterprise Guide

*Please Note: Course Outline is subject to change without notice. Exact course outline will be provided at time of registration.
  • Use PROC REPORT to generate tabular detail reports
  • Detail reports with subtotals, grand totals, and computed columns
  • Generate summary reports based on GROUP, ACROSS, or CLASS variables using PROC REPORT and PROC TABULATE
  • Insert appropriate summary lines into reports
  • Send report output to the RTF, PDF, and HTML destinations
  • Change reports using ODS options and style overrides

Exercises or hands-on workshops are included with most SAS courses.

  • SAS programmers
  • Data managers
  • Report writers
  • Analysts familiar with basic SAS procedure syntax and logic who must generate reports with the REPORT procedure and the TABULATE procedure

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