Data Model Design using Power BI (Level 2) Course Details:

What makes Power BI for such a vast improvement over simple Excel worksheets is the Power Query engine in both Power BI and Excel. Power Query allows data to be pulled and transformed from multiple data sources. This course is designed for Report Builders who are ready to create custom data models for themselves and for other Power BI Report Users.

    No classes are currenty scheduled for this course.

    Call (919) 283-1674 to get a class scheduled online or in your area!

Lesson 1: Understanding BI Data

  • Business Intelligence Data
  • Data Source Types
  • Power BI Data Sources

Lesson 2: Creating Data Models

  • Power BI Query Import Options
  • Planning a Data Model – Flat File
  • Planning Power BI Data Queries
  • Planning a Data Model – Database
  • Planning a Data Model – Hybrid

Lesson 3: Customizing Data Models

  • Query Editor Transformations
  • Applied Steps
  • Merging & Appending Queries
  • Understanding the Data Modeling Tool

Lesson 4: Power BI Functions – DAX Measures

  • DAX Measures
  • Creating Measures
  • Best Practices

Lesson 5: Using Dates Correctly

  • Building Data Tables
  • Building Hierarchies

*Please Note: Course Outline is subject to change without notice. Exact course outline will be provided at time of registration.

Data Analysis using Power BI Desktop – Level 1 – Report Builder

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