SQL Server Performance Tuning and Optimization (M55144) Course Details:

In this course, you will learn practical tuning and optimization techniques for SQL Server 2014 that include indexing and statistics strategies, transaction log operations, tempdb and data file configuration, transaction and isolation levels, locking and blocking, and the new In-Memory OLTP engine. You will learn how to create baselines and benchmark SQL Server performance as well as analyze and fix workload for performance issues.

This course incorporates materials from the Official Microsoft Learning Product 55144: SQL Server Performance Tuning and Optimization.

    No classes are currenty scheduled for this course.

    Call (919) 283-1674 to get a class scheduled online or in your area!

1. Course Overview

2. SQL 2014 Architecture

  • Cardinality Estimator
  • Memory-Optimized Tables
  • Understand Performance for Developers
  • Startup Parameters and Startup Stored Procedures
  • Database Structures
  • Instant File Allocation
  • How SQL Stores and Locates Data

3. The Database Engine

  • Temporary Tables Internals
  • Concurrency, Transactions, and Isolation Levels
  • SQL Server Locking Architecture
  • SQL and Storage Area Networks (SAN)
  • SQL on VMs and SQLIO Utility
  • Partitioned Tables and Indexes

4. SQL Performance Tools

  • Resource Governor
  • Activity Monitor
  • Live Query Statistics
  • Monitoring SQL with Transact-SQL
  • DMOs and Performance Tuning

5. Query Optimizing and Operators

  • Tuning Process
  • Performance Monitor Tool
  • SQL Query Processing Steps
  • Understanding Execution Plans
  • Set Statistics Time and Set Statistics IO
  • Data Access Operators and Troubleshooting Queries

6. Understanding Indexes

  • Index Types by Storage and Column Designation
  • Creating and Altering Indexes
  • Metadata
  • DMVs for Indexing, Database Engine Tuning Advisor, Index DMOs
  • Fragmentation and Patterns
  • Index Storage Strategies, Indexed Views, and Monitoring Indexes

7. Understanding Statistics

  • Cardinality Estimator
  • Incremental, Computed Columns, and Filtered Statistics
  • Maintenance

8. In-Memory Databases

  • Architecture
  • Tables and Indexes
  • Natively Compiled Stored Procedures
  • Restrictions
  • Analyze Migrate Report Tool
  • In-Memory Data Management Views (DMV)

*Please Note: Course Outline is subject to change without notice. Exact course outline will be provided at time of registration.
  • SQL 2014 Architecture including the new Cardinality Estimator
  • Memory-optimized tables
  • Startup stored procedures
  • Database structures
  • Instant File Allocation
  • Table internals and valued parameters
  • Concurrency, transactions, and isolation levels
  • SQL Server locking architecture
  • Partitioned tables and indexes
  • Resource Governor, Activity Monitor, Transact-SQL, and performance data management views (DMVs)
  • Performance Monitor Tool, execution plans, Data Access Operators, MDW and viewing reports
  • Create, utilize, manage and monitor indexes
  • Cardinality Estimator, incremental statistics, computed column statistics, filtered statics, and maintenance
  • In-Memory OLTP engine, restrictions, the Analyze Migrate Report tool, and in-memory (DMVs)

Lab 1: SQL 2014 Architecture

  • Configure Compatibility Level
  • Startup Parameter and Stored Procedure
  • Instant File Allocation

Lab 2: Database Engine

  • Table-Valued Parameter
  • Transactions
  • Vertically Partitioned Table using Code
  • Partitioning with File Groups and Partitioning Wizard

Lab 3: SQL Performance Tools

  • Resource Governor
  • Activity Monitor
  • sp_who2
  • Performance DMVs

Lab 4: Query Optimizing and Troubleshooting

  • Performance Monitor
  • Estimated vs. Actual Plans and XML Plans
  • Viewing a Non-Trivial Execution Plan
  • Set Statistics Time and Set Statistics IO
  • Data Access Operators and DMVs
  • Extended Events, Wizard Templates, and Sessions without a Wizard
  • Configure MDW and Viewing Reports

Lab 5: Understanding Indexes

  • Create Indexes
  • Index Metadata
  • Database Tuning Advisor
  • Missing Index DMOs
  • Data Compression, Indexed Views, and DMO Index Stats

Lab 6: Understanding Statistics

  • Statistics Objects and Histogram
  • New vs. Old Cardinality Estimator
  • Incremental Statistics
  • Computed Columns, Filtered Statistics, Ascending Keys
  • Statistics Maintenance Plan

Lab 7: In-Memory Databases

  • Create an In-Memory Enabled Database with Code and SSMS
  • Create a Memory-Optimized Table
  • View Hash Index
  • Natively Compiled Stored Procedure
  • AMR Tool
  • In-Memory DMVs
  • Basic knowledge of Microsoft Windows operating system and its core functionality
  • Working knowledge of database administration and maintenance
  • Working knowledge of Transact-SQL
  • SQL Server database administrators
  • Individuals responsible for writing queries against data that require optimal execution performance of workloads
  • Individuals who manage and maintain optimal performance of SQL Server instances
  • Application developers who deliver content from SQL Server databases

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