The Secure JEE Web Application Development Seminar is an intense JEE security training workshop/seminar essential for web developers who need to produce secure web applications, integrating security measures into the development process from requirements to deployment and maintenance. This course explores well beyond basic programming skills, teaching you sound processes and practices to apply to the entire software development lifecycle. Perhaps just as significantly, you will learn about current, real examples that illustrate the potential consequences of not following these best practices. This course is short on theory and long on application, providing you with in-depth, code-level demonstrations and walkthroughs.

In this course, you will learn best practices for defensively coding JEE web applications, including XML processing and web services. Demonstrations repeatedly attack and then defend various assets associated with a fully-functional web application. This approach illustrates the mechanics of how to secure JEE web applications in the most practical of terms.

Security experts agree that the least effective approach to security is "penetrate and patch". It is far more effective to "bake" security into an application throughout its lifecycle. After examining a poorly designed (from a security perspective) web application, you will be ready to learn how to build secure web applications starting at project inception. The final portion of this course builds on the previously learned mechanics for building defenses by exploring how design and analysis can be used to build stronger applications from the beginning of the software lifecycle. You will leave the course armed with the skills required to recognize actual and potential software vulnerabilities, implement defenses for those vulnerabilities, and test those defenses for sufficiency.

A key component to our Best Defense IT Security Training Series, this workshop is a companion course with several developer-oriented courses and seminars. Although this edition of the course is Java-specific, it can also be presented using .Net or other programming languages.

    No classes are currenty scheduled for this course.

    Call (919) 283-1674 to get a class scheduled online or in your area!

1. Foundation

  • Misconceptions
    • Thriving Industry of Identify Theft
    • Dishonor Roll of Data Breaches
    • TJX: Anatomy of a Disaster
    • Heartland: What? Again?
  • Security Concepts
    • Terminology and Players
    • Assets, Threats, and Attacks
    • OWASP
    • CWE/SANS Top 25 Programming Errors
    • Categories
    • What They Mean to Your Services
  • Defensive Coding Principles
    • Security Is a Lifecycle Issue
    • Minimize Attack Surface
    • Manage Resources
    • Application States
    • Compartmentalize
    • Defense in Depth Layered Defense
    • Consider All Application States
    • Not Trusting the Untrusted
    • Security Defect Mitigation
    • Leverage Experience
  • Reality
    • Recent, Relevant Incidents
    • Find Security Defects in Web Application

2. Top Security Vulnerabilities

  • Unvalidated Input
    • Description with Working Example
    • Defenses
    • Identifying Trust Boundaries
    • Qualifying Untrusted Data
    • Implementing an Effect, Layered Defense
    • Designing an Appropriate Response
    • Testing Defenses and Responses
  • Overview of Regular Expressions
    • Description with Working Example
  • Broken Access Control
    • Description with Working Example
    • Defenses
    • Authorization Security Overview
    • Defending Special Privileges such as Administrative Functions
    • Application Authorization Best Practice
  • Broken Authentication And Session Management
    • Description with Working Example
    • Defenses
    • Multi-Layered Defenses of Authentication Services
    • Password Management Strategies
    • Password Handling with Hashing
    • Mitigating Password Caching
    • Testing Defenses and Responses for Weaknesses
    • Alternative Authentication Mechanisms
    • Best Practices for Session Management
    • Defending Session Hijacking Attacks
    • Best Practices for Single Sign-On (SSO)
  • Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) Flaws
    • Description with Working Example
    • Defenses
    • Character Encoding Complications
    • Blacklisting
    • Whitelisting
    • HTML/XML Entity Encoding
    • Trust Boundary Definition
    • Implementing an Effective Layered Defense
    • Designing an Appropriate Response
    • Cross-Site Request Forgeries (CSRF)
    • Understanding CSRF
    • Defending Against CSRF
    • Output Encoding Why
    • Output Encoding How
    • Output Encoding Best Practices
  • Injection Flaws
    • Description with Working Example
    • Defenses
    • Qualifying Untrusted Data
    • Hibernate Best Practices
    • XML Best Practices
    • Third-Party APIs
    • Implementing an Effective Layered Defense
    • Designing an Appropriate Response
  • Error Handling and Information Leakage
    • Description with Working Example
    • Defenses
    • Web Application Exception Handling Framework
    • Error Response Best Practices
    • Error, Auditing, and Logging Content Management
    • Error, Auditing, and Logging Service Management
    • Best Practices for Supporting Web Attack Forensics
  • Insecure Storage
    • Description with Working Example
    • Defenses
    • Data Leakage
    • Risk Minimization
    • Cryptography Overview
    • Data Encryption
    • Partial/Complete
    • Property/Deployment/Configuration Files
  • Insecure Management Of Configuration
    • Description with Working Example
    • Defenses
    • System Hardening
    • Server Configuration "Gotchas!"
    • Hardening Software Installation
  • Direct Object Access
    • Description with Working Example
    • Defenses
    • XML/DTD/Schema/XSLT Best Practices
  • Spoofing
    • Description with Working Example
    • Defenses
    • Protecting Your Clients
    • Defending Against Cross-Site Request Forgeries
    • Phishing Defenses

3. Best Practices

  • Defensive Coding Principles Revisited
  • Java Best Practices
    • Code Obfuscation
    • JAAS Usage
    • Java 2 Security and Policy Files
    • Signing JAR Files

4. Defending XML Processing

  • Defending XML
    • Understanding Common Attacks and How to Defend
    • Operating in Safe Mode
    • Using Standards-Based Security
    • XML-Aware Security Infrastructure
  • Defending Web Services
    • Security Exposures
    • Transport-Level Security
    • Message-Level Security
    • WS-Security
    • Attacks and Defenses
  • Defending Ajax
    • Ajax Security Exposures
    • Attack Surface Changes
    • Injection Threats and Concerns
    • Effective Defenses and Practices

5. Secure Software Development (SSD)

  • SSD Process Overview
    • CLASP Define
    • CLASP Applied
  • Asset, Boundary, and Vulnerability Identification
  • Vulnerability Response
  • Design and Code Reviews
  • Applying Processes and Practices
  • Risk Analysis

6. Security Testing

  • Testing as Lifecycle Process
  • Testing Planning and Documentation
  • Testing Tools and Processes
    • Principles
    • Reviews
    • Testing
    • Tools
  • Static and Dynamic Code Analysis
  • Testing Practices
    • Authentication Testing
    • Session Management Testing
    • Data Validation Testing
    • Denial of Service Testing
    • Web Services Testing
    • Ajax Testing

Appendix: Security Design Patterns

  • Design Patterns Introduction
  • JEE Web Application Security Design Patterns
    • Authentication Enforcer
    • Authorization Enforcer
    • Intercepting Validator
    • Secure Base Action
    • Secure Logger
    • Secure Pipe
    • Secure Service Proxy
    • Intercepting Web Agent

*Please Note: Course Outline is subject to change without notice. Exact course outline will be provided at time of registration.
  • Potential sources for untrusted data
  • Consequences for not properly handling untrusted data such as denial of service, cross-site scripting, and injections
  • Test web applications with various attack techniques to determine the existence of and effectiveness of layered defenses
  • Prevent and defend the many potential vulnerabilities associated with untrusted data
  • Vulnerabilities associated with authentication and authorization
  • Detect, attack, and implement defenses for authentication and authorization functionality and services
  • Dangers and mechanisms behind Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) and Injection attacks
  • Detect, attack, and implement defenses against XSS and Injection attacks
  • Concepts and terminology behind defensive, secure coding
  • Using Threat Modeling as a tool in identifying software vulnerabilities based on realistic threats against meaningful assets
  • Perform both static code reviews and dynamic application testing to uncover vulnerabilities in Java-based web applications
  • Design and develop strong, robust authentication and authorization implementations within the context of JEE
  • Fundamentals of Java Cryptography (JCA) and Encryption (JCE) and where they fit in the overall security picture
  • Fundamentals of XML Digital Signature and XML Encryption as well as how they are used within the web services arena
  • Detect, attack, and implement defenses for XML-based services and functionality
  • Techniques and measures to harden web and application servers as well as other components in your infrastructure
  • Processes and measures associated with the Secure Software Development (SSD)
  • Skills, tools, and best practices for design and code reviews as well as testing initiatives
  • Basics of security testing and planning
  • Work through a comprehensive testing plan for recognized vulnerabilities and weaknesses

This intermediate-level and beyond JEE course is designed for developers who wish to get up and running on developing well-defended web applications.

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