Lean Management Fundamentals Course Details:

Many organizations are working to adopt tools and practices which increase agility, tear down long held silos, and impact the bottom line with better value-driven decision making. Learning how to better orient around overall outcomes and customer-oriented success requires a better cross-functional focus, smoother workflow between departments, and rapidly deploying projects and automation as businesses recognize the strength of viewing their people and technology capability not as cost centers, but as strategic assets.

This course is a comprehensive overview of the Lean principles and culture that underpinned the manufacturing transformation of previous decades, and is driving similar innovation in today’s enterprise projects and technology. Lean practices, as first imagined by W. Edwards Deming and brought to life during the quality revolution in Japanese manufacturing, are the fundamental building blocks which enable you to organize your business and project teams around these goals. This workshop gives you a practical, accessible toolbox for adopting a common lean practice in your teams, but it also seeks to do more. It seeks to turn everyone on your teams into continuous problem-solvers, focused on driving solutions that are intricately aligned with the overall strategic priorities of your business.

    No classes are currenty scheduled for this course.

    Call (919) 283-1674 to get a class scheduled online or in your area!

Part 1 – A Business Case for Lean

  • Why Manage with Lean Principles?
  • Business, project, and technology teams: Assets or Cost Center?
  • Finding the Customer
  • Misconceptions About Lean
  • Aligning technology and project practices with business objectives
  • Case Study – Lean principles in the real world

Part 2 – Foundations of Lean

  • Toyota and Early Origins
  • Lean and Manufacturing
  • Lean in Healthcare, Government and now IT departments
  • Essential Principles of Lean
  • Understanding Constancy of Purpose
  • Establishing Respect of People
  • Continuous Improvement and the Pursuit of Perfection
  • Embracing Proactive Behavior
  • Voice of the Customer (VOC)
  • Root Causes and Firsthand Discovery
  • Quality at the Source
  • 8 Forms of Waste
  • Creating Systems Thinking
  • Flow, Pull, and Just in Time
  • Building a Lean Culture
  • Concept of Value-Added Processes and Work
  • Defining the Internal and External Customer
  • How to use VOC to Determine Value
  • Categorizing Value Added Work
  • Flow, and Introducing the Value Stream
  • Concept of Waste
  • The Three “Ms”: Mura, Muri and Muda
  • Unevenness of Demand
  • Overburdened Teams
  • The Seven (plus one) Types of Wastes
  • Pursuing and Understanding Root Causes
  • Genchi Genbutsu and “go and see”
  • 5 Whys
  • Gemba
  • Root Cause Analysis Tools & Techniques
  • Lean Tools
  • Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA)
  • A3 Thinking and the Scientific Method
  • Value Stream Mapping
  • Other ways to visualize work
  • Kaizen as an Execution Tool
  • Kaikaku and Leadership
  • Standardized Work
  • 5S and Visual Workplace

Part 3 – Lean Management for Projects & Technology

  • Traditional Lean vs. today’s “information-based” Lean
  • Is One-Piece Flow Even Possible?
  • 5S My Desk?
  • Exploring the Manufacturing Analogy
  • Completing the Thought Conversion
  • Kanban and visualizing work
  • Lean IT Cosmos – Gaining Perspective
  • Agile/Lean in Software and Technology Projects
  • Business Agility and Agile-at-scale
  • DevOps
  • The Lean Startup Model
  • Continuous Integration, Delivery and Deployment
  • Lean Project Management
  • Agile Project Management
  • Control Versus Discovery
  • Learning to See Waste in IT
  • Recognizing Information Waste
  • Cost of Poor Data Quality
  • Exercise: Identifying Information Wastes
  • How to Recognize Waste with Metrics
  • Tackling Uneven Demand and Overburdened Teams
  • Understanding Push vs Pull Signals
  • IT Flow, Balance and Agility
  • Recognizing Bottlenecks
  • Determining Demand
  • How Lean IT Eliminates Burnout
  • The Lean Team Structure
  • Visualizing Lean Workflows Across the Organization
  • Lean IT and Business Process Improvement
  • Lean Management Systems
  • Lean Project Management
  • Lean Technology Operations
  • Lean Software Development
  • Lean Adoption and Management Tools
  • A3 Thinking
  • Value Stream Mapping
  • Standardized Work
  • Measurement approaches

*Please Note: Course Outline is subject to change without notice. Exact course outline will be provided at time of registration.
  • The common foundation used to build successful lean frameworks
  • The different lean applications used for projects, innovation, and operational efficiency
  • How to apply traditional lean concepts to today’s information-driven knowledge work
  • How to tie lean practices to business-driven value
  • Using lean to build a better Agile practice and increase business agility
  • How to present the business case for lean to leadership
  • Different ways to navigate and define value
  • How to better prioritize strategic needs and Work-in-Progress
  • How to apply lean principles and practices to improve efficiency and inter-team alignment
  • Which metrics to watch and how to approach figuring out your own metrics for measuring improvement

This course is for anyone in an organization working to improve overall strategic alignment and inter-team outcomes. Particularly, the course is valuable for:

  • Managers and leaders
  • Business analysts
  • Project managers
  • IT staff and technology departments
  • Software and application teams
  • Systems analysts
  • Architects
  • DevOps and Agile practitioners


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