Design Thinking Boot Camp Course Details:

Design thinking is an over-used phrase and has accumulated quite a bit of misinformation in recent years. However, the original concepts behind design thinking are immensely valuable in today’s organizations as we seek solutions to complex problems. Arising from early visual design and ideation practices, design thinking has evolved over time into both a philosophy for solving complex problems as well as a concrete methodology for designing and building solutions.

This design thinking course teaches you both. During this fast-paced workshop, you will experience a hands-on journey through the design thinking process. Led by an expert with deep experience leading teams who design and build solutions in real-world environments, you and your peers will collaborate to define problems and solve them using design thinking techniques. You will learn a straightforward process for problem definition, ideation, teaming, testing solutions and applying the process of solution building in your own organizational environment.

    No classes are currenty scheduled for this course.

    Call (919) 283-1674 to get a class scheduled online or in your area!

  • Framing problems
    • What’s the problem, really?
    • Discovering problems
    • Technology problems and products
    • OODA loops and backlogs
    • Distinguishing symptoms, problems, and root causes
    • Refining problem definition
    • Repeatably finding “a-ha” moments
    • Exercise: Select a problem candidate
    • Exercise: Root cause analysis for isolating and defining a specific problem
  • Divergent ideation
    • What is divergent thinking?
    • Generating raw material
    • Iterating on divergence
    • Your north star: Human-centric solutions
    • Using divergence to refine the problem space
    • Group exercise: Rapid ideation
  • Convergent ideation
    • What is convergent thinking?
    • Refinement and synthesis
    • Defining a future state for solution paths
    • Selecting solution candidates
    • Exercise: Revisiting your user persona and choosing the solution
  • Testing Solution candidates
    • Agility: an overview
    • Advice on prototyping
    • How to prototype rapidly
    • Collecting data
    • Variables
    • Rapid testing
    • Iterating on tests
    • Exercise: Modeling a testing cycle and group critique
  • Iterating on solutions
    • The feedback cycle
    • Agile practices for iteration
    • Measuring value
    • OODA loops again
    • Evolving solutions
    • Exercise: Walking through the iteration
  • Teaming for design and solution building
    • Applying design thinking in the typical enterprise
    • Product, service, system, or solution?
    • Teams in the problem space
    • Design collaboration
    • Prioritizing the design portfolio
  • Obstacles to design thinking in organizations
    • Cultural obstacles
    • Overcoming silos
    • Defining value correctly
    • Keeping human qualities at the center of the design
    • Applying design thinking to non-traditional roles
    • Engineering hurdles
    • The challenge of scale
    • Exercise: Preparing for scalability challenges and transitioning from discovery to delivery
  • Class conclusion: Charting your course
  • Expert Q&A
  • Discussion: Is your solution useful?
  • Your action items when the class is over

*Please Note: Course Outline is subject to change without notice. Exact course outline will be provided at time of registration.
  • The components of design thinking
  • How to define users and customers
  • Distinguishing symptoms, problems, and root causes
  • How to have repeatable “a-ha” moments
  • How to define a future state for solution paths
  • How to prototype rapidly
  • Agile practices for iteration
  • Keep human qualities at the center of the design
  • Apply design thinking to non-traditional roles

This design thinking course is perfect for anyone involved in product development, which includes roles such as:

  • Product Managers and Product Directors
  • UX/UI Designers
  • Graphic Designers
  • Software Developers
  • Web Developers
  • Engineers
  • Entrepreneurs

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