Agile for Managers Workshop Course Details:

Agile Management techniques promote autonomy and respect on teams, leading to trusting, collaborative relationships resulting in continuous improvement, higher productivity, stronger loyalty and higher performance for team members. Using a servant leader approach rather than a traditional command and control approach, managers become the catalysts to guide empowered self-directed teams.

This one-day course will give you hands-on experience with techniques for managing Agile teams. Explanatory lectures with demonstrations, combined with practice exercises will provide you with the experience needed to lead teams in Agile environments.

    No classes are currenty scheduled for this course.

    Call (919) 283-1674 to get a class scheduled online or in your area!

Part 1: Introductions, Class Objectives

Part 2: Making the Case for Change

  • Defining the Challenges of Software Development
  • What is the Problem Agile is Trying to Solve
  • What is Lean? What is Agile?
  • Agile versus Waterfall

Part 3: The Agile Framework

  • Agile Framework and Methodologies
  • Agile Manifesto and Principles
    • Team Exercise: Teams will discuss which principles would be easy to implement and which would be difficult and share reasoning with the group.
  • Terminology and Ceremonies
  • Prioritization
    • Team Exercise: Teams discusses prioritization techniques and considerations for their industry and shares with the group.

Part 4: Organizational Culture and Leadership Styles

  • What is Organizational Culture?
  • Organizational Culture Models
  • Schneider's Culture Model
  • Mapping Agile Values into the Four Quadrants (Team Exercise)
    • Team Exercise: Map Agile Values into the Four Quadrants from Schneider's Culture Model
  • What's Your Organization's Culture (Team Exercise)
    • Team Exercise: Map Agile Values into the Four Quadrants from Schneider's Culture Model
  • Agile and Lean Methodologies, including Scrum and Kanban
  • Matching Agile Practices to Organizational Culture (Team Exercise)
    • Team Exercise: What are ways to help Agile Adoption taking into account Organizational Culture?

Part 5: Agile Adoption and Change Acceptance

  • Barriers to Agile Adoption
  • Agile and Change
  • Kubler-Ross Model of Change
  • Change Acceptance
  • Characteristics of a Change Agent
  • Reasons Teams Have Difficulty With Agile Adoption
    • Team Exercise: Teams do role playing with a difficult change with one member of team acting as change agent practicing techniques learned.

Part 6: Building and Supporting Agile Teams

  • Definition and Characteristics of an Agile Team
  • Supporting an Agile Team
    • Team Exercise: Teams execute a self-organization exercise
  • Agile Teams aligned to an Organizational Hierarchy

Part 7: Management 3.0 (Jurgen Appelo)

  • Energize People
  • Empower Teams
  • Align Constraints
  • Develop Competence
  • Grow structure
  • Improve Everything

Part 8: Continuous Improvement

  • Retrospectives
  • Knowledge Sharing
  • Principles of Systems Thinking (Complex Adaptive, Chaos)
  • Continuous Improvement Processes
  • Self-Assessment
  • Tips for Successful Continuous Improvement
    • Team Exercise: Teams start with a problem to solve and take baseline measurements. Then, after practicing continuous improvement techniques, try again and measure for improvement.

Part 9: Becoming an Agile Leader

  • Mental Models
  • What is Agile Leadership?
  • Servant Leadership

*Please Note: Course Outline is subject to change without notice. Exact course outline will be provided at time of registration.
  • The benefits of working in an Agile environment
  • The Agile Framework, including an overview of methodologies, principles, terminology, and ceremonies
  • How to classify organizational cultures and leadership styles
  • How to foster change acceptance and Agile adoption
  • The role of managers in an Agile environment and how to become a servant leader
  • How to build and support Agile teams
  • Jurgen Appelo's Management 3.0 Model
  • How to motivate teams for continuous improvement
  • How to apply what you have learned to real life scenarios within your own organization
  • How to lead a high-performing Agile team

This Agile Project Management training course is designed for anyone who will be managing agile teams and people, including:

  • Senior Managers
  • Product Owners
  • Development Managers
  • Development Leads

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