IBM Operational Decision Manager v8.10: Developing Rule Solutions Course Details:

This course introduces developers to IBM Operational Decision Manager v8.10. You’ll learn the concepts and skills needed to design, develop, and integrate a business rule solution with Operational Decision Manager.

The course begins with an overview of Operational Decision Manager, which is composed of two main environments: Decision Server for technical users and Decision Center for business users. The course outlines the collaboration between development and business teams during project development.

Through instructor-led presentations and hands-on lab exercises, you’ll learn about the core features of Decision Server, which is the primary working environment for developers. You’ll design decision services and work with the object models that are required to author and execute rule artifacts. You’ll gain experience with deployment and execution and work extensively with Rule Execution Server. In addition, you’ll become familiar with rule authoring so that you can support business users to set up and customize the rule authoring and validation environments. Finally, you’ll also learn how to use Operational Decision Manager features to support decision governance.


    Aug 12 2024

    Date: 08/12/2024 - 08/16/2024 (Monday - Friday) | 9:30 AM - 5:30 PM (EDT)
    Location: ONLINE (Virtual Classroom Live)
    Delivery Format: VIRTUAL CLASSROOM LIVE Request Quote & Enroll

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    IBM Operational Decision Manager v8.10: Developing Rule Solutions

    August 12 - 16, 2024 | 9:30 AM - 5:30 PM (EDT) | Virtual Classroom Live

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    Sep 16 2024

    Date: 09/16/2024 - 09/20/2024 (Monday - Friday) | 9:30 AM - 5:30 PM (EDT)
    Location: ONLINE (Virtual Classroom Live)
    Delivery Format: VIRTUAL CLASSROOM LIVE Request Quote & Enroll

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    IBM Operational Decision Manager v8.10: Developing Rule Solutions

    September 16 - 20, 2024 | 9:30 AM - 5:30 PM (EDT) | Virtual Classroom Live

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    Nov 18 2024

    Date: 11/18/2024 - 11/22/2024 (Monday - Friday) | 9:30 AM - 5:30 PM (EST)
    Location: ONLINE (Virtual Classroom Live)
    Delivery Format: VIRTUAL CLASSROOM LIVE Request Quote & Enroll

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    IBM Operational Decision Manager v8.10: Developing Rule Solutions

    November 18 - 22, 2024 | 9:30 AM - 5:30 PM (EST) | Virtual Classroom Live

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Unit 1

  • What is a business rule?
  • Why the need for decision management?
  • What is operational decision management?
  • Introducing IBM Operational Decision Manager
  • ODM packaging
  • ODM roles
  • Governance and decision management

Unit 2

  • Using an agile development approach
  • Designing the business rule application
  • Setting up decision services
  • Project properties
  • Using modular project organization
  • Sharing and synchronizing decision services

Unit 3

  • Introducing decision modeling in Decision Center
  • Creating decision models
  • Modeling with IBM Decision Composer

Unit 4

  • Introducing ruleset integration and execution
  • What is a decision engine?
  • Understanding rule execution modes
  • RetePlus example: Trucks and drivers

Unit 5

  • Designing the models
  • Defining business and execution object models
  • Editing the business object model
  • Mapping the BOM to the XOM
  • Working with the vocabulary
  • Refactoring

Unit 6

  • Controlling rule execution: Overview
  • Designing ruleflows
  • Controlling rule selection for execution
  • Controlling rule order during rule execution

Unit 7

  • From business policy to business rules
  • Authoring action rules with BAL
  • Authoring decision tables
  • Advanced Rule Language (ARL)
  • Technical rules
  • Defining objects that are used in rules

Unit 8

  • Simplifying vocabulary with categories
  • Defining domains
  • Static domains
  • Dynamic domains
  • Updating dynamic domains in Decision Center

Unit 9

  • Searching for rule artifacts
  • Querying rules
  • Extracting rulesets

Unit 10

  • Working with launch configurations
  • Automatic exception handling
  • Using Rule Designer debugging tools

Unit 11

  • Overview of testing and simulation
  • Setting up testing and simulation
  • Working with scenarios

Unit 12

  • Introducing managed execution
  • Deploying decision services
  • Managing XOMs
  • Managing resources with Ant tasks
  • Managing resources through the REST API
  • Building RuleApps with the Build Command Maven plug-in

Unit 13

  • Managed execution with Rule Execution Server
  • Rule Execution Server modular architecture
  • Managed execution in action
  • Platforms for Rule Execution Server
  • Introducing the Rule Execution Server API
  • Executing rules in Java SE
  • Executing rules in Java EE
  • Executing rules as transparent decision services

Unit 14

  • Auditing ruleset execution
  • Monitoring ruleset execution

Unit 15

  • Overview of the ruleset execution REST API.
  • Testing ruleset execution with the REST API
  • Working with OpenAPI and API Connect

Unit 16

  • What is decision governance?
  • Operational Decision Manager support for governance
  • Decision governance framework

*Please Note: Course Outline is subject to change without notice. Exact course outline will be provided at time of registration.

After completing this course, you should be able to:

  • Describe the benefits of implementing a decision management solution with Operational Decision Manager
  • Identify the key user roles that are involved in designing and developing a decision management solution, and the tasks that are associated with each role
  • Describe the development process of building a business rule application and the collaboration between business and development teams
  • Set up and customize the Business Object Model (BOM) and vocabulary for rule authoring
  • Implement the Execution Object Model (XOM) that enables rule execution
  • Orchestrate rule execution through ruleflows
  • Author rule artifacts to implement business policies
  • Debug business rule applications to ensure that the implemented business logic is error-free
  • Set up and customize testing and simulation for business users
  • Package and deploy decision services to test and production environments
  • Integrate decision services for managed execution within an enterprise environment
  • Monitor and audit execution of decision services
  • Work with Operational Decision Manager features that support decision governance


The lab environment for this course uses Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard Edition.

Before taking this course, you should have:

  • Experience with the Java programming language and object-oriented concepts
  • Knowledge of Java Platform, Enterprise Edition (Java EE)
  • Basic knowledge of Extensible Markup Language (XML)
  • Basic knowledge of the REST API and RESTful architecture

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