IBM Business Process Manager Advanced v8.5.7 - II: Developing Applications Course Details:

In this course, you learn how to extend the functionality of a process integration solution to accommodate advanced scenarios. Through presentations and hands-on lab exercises, you’ll learn about the Service Component Architecture (SCA) programming model and runtime environment, XML (business object) support, Business Process Execution Language (BPEL) handlers, business state machines, and SCA transactions. You’ll also learn about business process dynamicity and flexibility, relationships, and mediation primitives. Other topics include creating versions of SCA components, test environment capabilities, and approaches to securing SCA applications.

You’ll use the IBM Process Center repository to add process model artifacts in a complete and integrated development solution. You learn how to apply governance to process applications. In addition, you’ll use IBM Integration Designer to design, develop, and test comprehensive process integration solutions that use the SCA programming model, the Service Data Object (SDO) data model, and the mediation flow programming model. You’ll learn how to deploy these solutions to the IBM Process Server runtime environment, maintain them in the IBM Process Center repository, and test them in the IBM Integration Designer test environment.

The course also covers how to use the tools of IBM Business Process Manager for iterative (model-driven) application development. For example, you’ll learn how to develop a process diagram in IBM Process Designer, store it in the IBM Process Center repository, and associate it with modules and libraries in IBM Integration Designer.

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Introduction to IBM Business Process Manager V8.5.7

  • Exercise: Using iterative development to create applications

Course business scenario

Version control and testing of SCA applications

  • Exercise: Version control for SCA applications

SCA bindings, the SCA runtime, and SCA quality of service qualifiers

  • Exercise: Working with SCA bindings and qualifiers

Fault handlers

  • Exercise: Applying fault handlers

WS-BPEL compensation and event handlers

  • Exercise: Applying a compensation handler to WS-BPEL

Business state machines

  • Exercise: Working with business state machines

Transactional behavior of SCA applications

  • Exercise: Defining transactional behavior in SCA applications

Business process flexibility

  • Exercise: Creating flexible business processes


  • Exercise: Working with static relationships

Mediation primitives

  • Exercise: Implementing a mediation flow

Mediation flow control

  • Exercise: Writing a generic error handler for IBM Process Server


  • Exercise: Implementing security

Governance of process applications

  • Exercise: Applying governance to process applications

Integrating with IBM Business Process Manager

Exercise: Integrating other applications with IBM Integration Designer

*Please Note: Course Outline is subject to change without notice. Exact course outline will be provided at time of registration.

At the end of this course you will be able to:

  • Create and modify an application by using iterative, model-driven development
  • Develop a business process diagram in IBM Process Designer
  • Work with a process application snapshot in IBM Integration Designer
  • Associate IBM Integration Designer artifacts with a process application snapshot
  • Use artifacts from an IBM Integration Designer library in a business process diagram
  • Implement and deploy SCA modules and libraries that contain version information
  • Use the serviceDeploy tool to install versioned modules in an IBM Process Server profile
  • Enable cross-component trace to follow the invocation sequences between SCA applications to diagnose and repair an application failure
  • Implement the event sequencing quality of service qualifier in an application
  • Implement a WebSphere MQ import in an application
  • Implement a fault handler and compensation handler in a business process
  • Examine and test a business state machine
  • Examine the transaction propagation settings and transaction quality of service qualifier settings for an application
  • Implement a selector component and dynamically navigate a business process instance at run time
  • Implement a static (lookup) relationship
  • Create a service aggregation mediation flow by using several pre-built mediation primitives
  • Create a reusable mediation subflow that contains error handling primitives
  • Configure security quality of service qualifiers and implement role-based security for human tasks and business processes
  • Apply governance to process applications
  • Configure IBM Business Process Manager Advanced tools for integration with other applications, such as IBM Business Monitor

Before taking this course, you should understand the service-oriented architecture (SOA) approach to business process management (BPM) and how to build a basic process integration solution.


You should also have:

  • Basic Java and Java 2 Platform, Enterprise Edition (Java EE) skills
  • Experience with, or prior education on, WebSphere Application Server, or experience with Rational Application Developer
  • Basic Extensible Markup Language (XML) skills

Developers, Implementors, Engineers, and Specialists

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